
2023.8.8 - 9.29
「搣碗」,是一位藝想師傅仔形容以手捏陶泥,形塑食具器物的手法。Nice to meet you!今次展覽,師傅仔「搣」的不只是杯杯碗碗,還有你👩🏻👨🏻‍🦰、我👩🏼‍🦰🧑🏽‍🦱和他👨🏾‍🦱👱🏽‍♀️。



🍽️搣碗 — 日常器物展🥣

[上集] 2023.8.8 - 24|由飯枱開始

[下集] 2023.8.25 - 9.29|登堂入室

展覽場地:藝想展覽館 香港灣仔石水渠街85號地下
開放時間:星期二至六 下午1 - 6(星期一、星期日及公眾假期休館 )


[上集] 由飯枱開始

The pots we MEET– A Showcase of Everyday Handmade Ceramics

Nice to meet you! In this exhibition, we meet with not only a variety of authentically handmade ceramic items, but also the skillful hands of Ci-fu Jai and their creativity.

By creating these extraordinary bowls and mugs, freestyle plates and unusual pots, 11 Ci-fu Jai share, whether intentionally or unintentionally, their unique perspectives, artistic sense, vibrancy and questions about life.

Enjoy the pieces, look into the traces and details of human touch that might easily be overlooked, rethink about life and make every moment count.

🍽️ The Pots We MEET 🥣
– A Showcase of Everyday Handmade Ceramics

[Part I] 2023.8.8 - 24 | On dining tables
Participating Ci-fu Jai: Hui Gordan Ka Ho, Hung Ming Him, Lau Sze O, Siu Yu Hang, Wong Chun Pong

[Part II] 2023.8.25 - 9.29 | In living rooms
Participating Ci-fu Jai: Chau Ka Lok, Hui Pak, Lau Hoi Lok, Leung Chui Wan, Tam Leung Hung, Wong Lap Kwang

Venue: St. James’ Creation (G/F, St. James’ Settlement, 85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai)
Opening hours: Tuesday - Saturday 1-6pm
(Closed on Sunday, Monday & Public Holidays)