Katherine MAHONEY
澳洲 Australia
許家豪 HUI Gordon Ka Ho
梁翠雲 LEUNG Chui Wan
余國漢 YU Kwok Hon, Adrian
藝想陶藝師傅 St. James' Creation Ceramists
海外藝術家 Overseas Artist
Katherine MAHONEY
澳洲 Australia
Katherine MAHONEY在1974年探訪她哥哥在英國肯特郡的陶藝工作室的一刻,成為了她第一次愛上陶瓷的契機。從陶瓷花盆、拉坯的輪盤、地面瓷磚、放滿待燒陶瓷的窯、到修坯時削出的一絲絲陶泥,一切都是她熱愛陶藝的原因。
在開設個人工作室前,她先在Cranbrook Station Pottery成為陶藝學徒。及後搬到香港居住,她開始醉心亞洲源遠流長的陶藝歷史,並開始透過參與如香港雙年展等展覽,使其創作漸漸得在國際間建立口碑。除了創作外,她亦在香港藝術中心、理工學院及不同藝術中心教授陶藝。
Katherine MAHONEY first fell in love with ceramics in 1974, after visiting her brother, a potter, who was working at a studio in Kent, England. She adored everything about it: the stacks of pots, the wheels, the clay-covered floor and tightly packed kilns – ribbons of trimmed clay skimming off leather-hard pots.
Katherine began an apprenticeship at Cranbrook Station Pottery, before opening her own studio. Later, she moved to Hong Kong and became immersed in the rich history of Asian ceramics. She began exhibiting one-off pieces, gaining an international reputation for her work and judging exhibitions, such as the Hong Kong Biennale. While in Hong Kong she also taught pottery classes at the Museum of Art, the Polytechnic and various centres of art.
Since moving to Sydney in the nineties, Katherine has continued to make one-off, wheel thrown pieces, alongside more sculptural forms for restaurants, designers and galleries.