Wherever we are, as we look upon the night sky, the sea of stars converges our hopes, glimmers and holds out for peace. Let us offer the world our blessings, that when the stars fall into the earth, they shall shine forth again in our clay.
日期 Date:
23/10 - 20/11/2022
地點 Venue:
香港堅尼地城 城西道 卑路乍灣海濱長廊
Belcher Bay Promenade, Shing Sai Road, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong
聯合策展人 Co-curators:
羅士廉 Chris LO . 鄧嘉寶 Karpo TANG
是誰造了千顆星星? 一眾陶匠,來自十數個城市——海外藝術家、本地團體、公眾人士,還有藝想師傅仔和他們的好朋友。 從2019到2022,無懼疫症紛擾和地域界限,眾人在各自的時空造星,匯聚繁星點點,喚起憧憬與希望。千顆星星,你最愛哪一顆?
Who has made these thousands of stars? Our many craftsmen and ceramists, from more than ten cities - Overseas artists, local groups, members of the public, and the St. James' Creation ceramists with their good friends. From 2019 to 2022, unfazed by the troubles of the pandemic and geographical limitations, all of them made stars in their very own time and space. When the sea of stars converged, hopes and dreams were awakened. Among these thousands of stars, which one is your favorite?
Overseas Artists Collaboration
Community Partners
Contemporary Ceramic Society Hong Kong
Ebenezer School
Noir Plus
One Bite Design Studio
The Jockey Club Hong Chi School
15 St. James' Creation Ceramists
周嘉諾 CHAU Ka Lok
許泊 HUI Pak, Sam
許家豪 HUI Gordon Ka Ho
洪鳴謙 HUNG Ming Him
郭百宜 KWOK Pak Yi
黎健生 LAI Kin Sang
劉海樂 LAU Hoi Lok
劉思奧 LAU Sze O
李嘉樂 LEE Ka Lok
梁翠雲 LEUNG Chui Wan
蕭宇恆 SIU Yu Hang, William
譚量雄 TAM Leung Hung
黃震邦 WONG Chun Pong
黃立江 WONG Lap Kwong
余國漢 YU Kwok Hon, Adrian
周嘉諾 CHAU Ka Lok
許泊 HUI Pak, Sam
許家豪 HUI Gordon Ka Ho
洪鳴謙 HUNG Ming Him
郭百宜 KWOK Pak Yi
黎健生 LAI Kin Sang
劉海樂 LAU Hoi Lok
劉思奧 LAU Sze O
李嘉樂 LEE Ka Lok
梁翠雲 LEUNG Chui Wan
蕭宇恆 SIU Yu Hang, William
譚量雄 TAM Leung Hung
黃震邦 WONG Chun Pong
黃立江 WONG Lap Kwong
余國漢 YU Kwok Hon, Adrian
Our Stories +1+1 is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.